Oh the trials, the tribulations. The joy, the angst.
I make it sound like I was dumped over the weekend, but I wasn't. No, I spent my weekend getting OSX Mountain Lion installed on my Dell Latitude D630 w/ the Intel Graphics and let me tell you it was interesting to say the least. I had found a guide to help me out, and that guide has been useful in getting me the proper Kexts to get me started on my journey, but that's really all it did. I used MyHack to get the installation media working and once that was accomplished (http://myhack.sojugarden.com/guide/) I simply cleared out my test drive and had at it. Once it was installed I set about getting the wireless working and I found a kext for the Atheros B195 card I had installed into my laptop some time back so that was a snap, just dropped it into place I used Kext Drop, Kext B7 also works) and repaired permissions and let it rebuild the cache on reboot and I was in business... mostly. Audio was still broken, so I set about testing out several (VoodooHDA is NOT the answer kids) kexts and that was the hardest part. I forgot to try the EDP from OSXLatitude.com and that ended up breaking more things than I was ok with, so I reinstalled, figured out what the EDP was installing, and grabbed them before my next reboot just so I could put them together and drop them in manually like I did with the Wireless kext. I reinstalled for the 6th or 9th time (they are started to run together, reinstalled 4 times today alone) and repeated the dropping in of Kext files, repaired permissions, rebooted, and it was a good time for everyone involved (me). At this point, I set about optimizing the performance of the computer by turning off various things like font smoothing. I then found an app called Mountain Tweaks (http://tweaksapp.com/app/mountain-tweaks/) that let me do a few things that made it easier to stay familiar such as always on Scrollbars and Key repeats being turned on again. Of course being an Intel card from the way back whens it doesn't have any acceleration working as well as I would like but I'm able to live with it for now until I get a real Mac of some kind, so that's the really big downer for it. Otherwise it's working decently in the running apps smoothly sense. Typing things out sometimes seems to be a little on the delayed end but I've adjusted to it.
I'm gonna make a zip file and upload it and link to it (here) and I'll link to the original thread I found for installing on the Nvidia version of the D630 where I will also post a link to the zip file and this page.
I make it sound like I was dumped over the weekend, but I wasn't. No, I spent my weekend getting OSX Mountain Lion installed on my Dell Latitude D630 w/ the Intel Graphics and let me tell you it was interesting to say the least. I had found a guide to help me out, and that guide has been useful in getting me the proper Kexts to get me started on my journey, but that's really all it did. I used MyHack to get the installation media working and once that was accomplished (http://myhack.sojugarden.com/guide/) I simply cleared out my test drive and had at it. Once it was installed I set about getting the wireless working and I found a kext for the Atheros B195 card I had installed into my laptop some time back so that was a snap, just dropped it into place I used Kext Drop, Kext B7 also works) and repaired permissions and let it rebuild the cache on reboot and I was in business... mostly. Audio was still broken, so I set about testing out several (VoodooHDA is NOT the answer kids) kexts and that was the hardest part. I forgot to try the EDP from OSXLatitude.com and that ended up breaking more things than I was ok with, so I reinstalled, figured out what the EDP was installing, and grabbed them before my next reboot just so I could put them together and drop them in manually like I did with the Wireless kext. I reinstalled for the 6th or 9th time (they are started to run together, reinstalled 4 times today alone) and repeated the dropping in of Kext files, repaired permissions, rebooted, and it was a good time for everyone involved (me). At this point, I set about optimizing the performance of the computer by turning off various things like font smoothing. I then found an app called Mountain Tweaks (http://tweaksapp.com/app/mountain-tweaks/) that let me do a few things that made it easier to stay familiar such as always on Scrollbars and Key repeats being turned on again. Of course being an Intel card from the way back whens it doesn't have any acceleration working as well as I would like but I'm able to live with it for now until I get a real Mac of some kind, so that's the really big downer for it. Otherwise it's working decently in the running apps smoothly sense. Typing things out sometimes seems to be a little on the delayed end but I've adjusted to it.
I'm gonna make a zip file and upload it and link to it (here) and I'll link to the original thread I found for installing on the Nvidia version of the D630 where I will also post a link to the zip file and this page.